
Group highlights

For a full list see below or go to Google Scholar

Computational Reconstruction of Pancreatic Islets as a Tool for Structural and Functional Analysis

We describe a step-by-step workflow, implemented in IsletLab, developed specifically for the study and simulation of pancreatic islets.

GJ Félix-Martínez, A Nicolás-Mata, JR Godínez-Fernández

J. Vis. Exp. (181), e63351

IsletLab: an application to reconstruct and analyze islet architectures

In this addendum I introduce IsletLab, a multiplatform application to analyze and reconstruct pancreatic islet architectures.

GJ Félix-Martínez

Islets 14.2 (2022):36-39

Comparative analysis of reconstructed architectures from mice and human islets

Based on the reconstruction algorithm proposed in a previous article, here we compare the architectures of mouse and human islets.

GJ Félix-Martínez, A Nicolás-Mata, JR Godínez-Fernández

Islets 14.1 (2022):23-35

Reconstructing human pancreatic islet architectures using computational optimization

In this paper we develop an algorithm to reconstruct islet architectures from experimental data.

GJ Félix-Martínez, A Nicolás-Mata, JR Godínez-Fernández

Islets 12.6 (2020):121-133

Deterministic modeling of single-channel and whole-cell currents

Single-channel currents are simulated using a deterministic chaotic model. In addition, whole-cell currents are also reproduced.

KL Juayerk-Herrera, GJ Félix Martínez, JL del Río-Correa, A Picones, JR Godínez-Fernández

J Theor Biol 508 (2021):110459.

Electrophysiological models of the human pancreatic δ‐cell: From single channels to the firing of action potentials

We develop a model of the electrical activity of the human pancreatic delta cell based on single-channel currents.

GJ Félix-Martínez, V González-Vélez, JR Godínez-Fernández, A Gil

Int J Numer Meth Biomed Engng. 2020; 36:e3296

Mathematical models of electrical activity of the pancreatic β-cell: A physiological review

We published a review of the physiological hypotheses behind the mathematical models of the pancreatic β-cell.

GJ Félix-Martínez, JR Godínez-Fernández

Islets 6 (3), e949195 (2014)

Modeling Ca2+ currents and buffered diffusion of Ca2+ in human β-cells during voltage clamp experiments

A three-dimensional β-cell was modelled in order to simulate the Ca2+ transients produced during voltage-clamp experiments.

GJ Félix-Martínez, JR Godínez-Fernández

Math Biosci (2015) 270, 66-80

Modeling the influence of co-localized intracellular calcium stores on the secretory response of bovine chromaffin cells

In this paper we developed a model to evaluate the effect of co-localization of the cell membrane and organelles for the formation of Ca2+ microdomains in chromaffin cells.

GJ Félix-Martínez, A Gil, J Segura, J Villanueva, LM Gutíerrez

Comput Biol Med 100, 165-175 (2018)

Modeling the spatiotemporal distribution of Ca2+ during action potential firing in human pancreatic β-cells

We performed simulations of the Ca2+ transient produced in a three-dimensional human β-cell as a response to action potential firing.

GJ Félix-Martínez, JR Godínez-Fernández

Biomed. Phys. Eng. Express 3 025020 (2017)

Effects of Impaired ATP Production and Glucose Sensitivity on Human β-Cell Function: A Simulation Study

In this paper we used a mathematical model to explore the effects of impaired ATP production and glucose sensitivity on the electrical response and insulin secretion of human β-cells.

GJ Félix-Martínez, J Aspiroz-Leehan, R Ávila-Pozos, JR Godínez-Fernández

Rev Mex Ing Biomed, 35 (2) 2014


Full List

Computational Reconstruction of Pancreatic Islets as a Tool for Structural and Functional Analysis
GJ Félix-Martínez, A Nicolás-Mata, JR Godínez-Fernández
J. Vis. Exp. (181), e63351

IsletLab: an application to reconstruct and analyze islet architectures
GJ Félix-Martínez
Islets 14.2 (2022):36-39

Comparative analysis of reconstructed architectures from mice and human islets
GJ Félix-Martínez, A Nicolás-Mata, JR Godínez-Fernández
Islets 14.1 (2022):23-35

Reconstructing human pancreatic islet architectures using computational optimization
GJ Félix-Martínez, A Nicolás-Mata, JR Godínez-Fernández
Islets 12.6 (2020):121-133

Deterministic modeling of single-channel and whole-cell currents
KL Juayerk-Herrera, GJ Félix Martínez, JL del Río-Correa, A Picones, JR Godínez-Fernández
J Theor Biol 508 (2021):110459.

Comparative analysis of screening models for undiagnosed diabetes in Mexico
GJ Félix-Martínez, JR Godínez-Fernández
Endocrinol Diabetes Nutr 67 (5), 333-341 (2020)

Electrophysiological models of the human pancreatic δ‐cell: From single channels to the firing of action potentials
GJ Félix-Martínez, V González-Vélez, JR Godínez-Fernández, A Gil
Int J Numer Meth Biomed Engng. 2020; 36:e3296

Mathematical models of electrical activity of the pancreatic β-cell: A physiological review
GJ Félix-Martínez, JR Godínez-Fernández
Islets 6 (3), e949195 (2014)

Modeling Ca2+ currents and buffered diffusion of Ca2+ in human β-cells during voltage clamp experiments
GJ Félix-Martínez, JR Godínez-Fernández
Math Biosci (2015) 270, 66-80

Modeling the influence of co-localized intracellular calcium stores on the secretory response of bovine chromaffin cells
GJ Félix-Martínez, A Gil, J Segura, J Villanueva, LM Gutíerrez
Comput Biol Med 100, 165-175 (2018)

Screening models for undiagnosed diabetes in Mexican adults using clinical and self-reported information
GJ Félix-Martínez, JR Godínez-Fernández
Endocrinol Diabetes Nutr 65 (10), 603-610 (2018)

Modeling the spatiotemporal distribution of Ca2+ during action potential firing in human pancreatic β-cells
GJ Félix-Martínez, JR Godínez-Fernández
Biomed. Phys. Eng. Express 3 025020 (2017)

Effects of Impaired ATP Production and Glucose Sensitivity on Human β-Cell Function: A Simulation Study
GJ Félix-Martínez, J Aspiroz-Leehan, R Ávila-Pozos, JR Godínez-Fernández
Rev Mex Ing Biomed, 35 (2) 2014